Thanks for all the memories

Stockholm. It's cold, and rainy, and you can't go outside without a warm jacket and boots.                  It's just how i like it.
I arrived last friday in my home country and the best place on earth right now. After getting home I also got sick, as always whenever I'm traveling long distances. So I've had some time to just adapt to everything here, it's not only the time difference but also the fact that my year in Los Angeles is over and I am now starting yet another chapter. A chapter I hope to spell W-O-R-K!
Looking back on the year that has been and everything I survived and learned I can't help to feel a little bit proud. Not only did I get through school without any big misshappenings, I also got to know amazing artists and friends, I got the meet some of the best people in the industry, I learned how to be on my own in a new country and I got to work at one of the best schools in Makeup and SFX in the world. I can truly say that I'm moving back home as a new and better self, Elin 2.0, the improved version as my other half likes to call it. (Even though he takes all the credit, but hey, the things you do for love.)
I've been back for less than one week and I'm already eager to get back to work and test my new skills. But since it's december and Christmas is around the corner I also want to take time and see the people who has been there for me through this crazy year. Can't thank them enough, friends an family is and will always be the most important thing! And it's the same for everyone I've met in L.A. I will miss them so much and I am so grateful for all the fun and joyfull times we've had. So here is a big thank you, to everyone in L.A. for being so great, to everyone here in Sweden for hanging in there and supporting me through the craziness and to myself for actually doing this!
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