Testers, trips and other fun stuff

Soo. today is one of those lazy kind of days. Went to the hairdresser to get my hair freshened up, haven't done anything with it for over six months. Got some stuff with me to get a more even color without actually coloring it which is good. Then I've been mostly at home trying to sort things out and pack my bag for tomorrow. I realized one of the problems with being a makeupartist, and having friends in the industry, is that you have way to much stuff. Luxury problem, yeah I know, but still. Especially testers from different brands, small lipsticks, mascaras, containers of skincare in travelsize. In one way awesome when you travel a lot, but it takes up so much space. I swear, I have acuople of bags with just testers and gifts and although I try to use them all the time I just keep filling thoose bags again. Oh my, but I won't complaine a lot about it, I'm just happy to be a bit spoiled!
Back to packing. Tomorrow me and my man is leaving for Prague. We're gonna have a long weekend there enjoying the city with it's culture and architecture. Hopefully some really good food and som shopping too. I can't wait to get there, such a beautiful city. Flight is leaving early tomorrow morning so tonight is just gonna be movie night with Ben & Jerry's ice cream and getting to sleep early!
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